Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Talking to Cops


So I was watching this video which is about talking to cops. Pretty much the gist of it (since it is almost 50 minutes long) is DON'T TALK TO COPS. What happens is even if you are innocent and say only true things, they can and will use what you say against you. I guess that might apply to getting pulled over. I think that might be the exception though and this is why. Ok, here is the scenario,
You get pulled over and the cop walks up to your window.
"Do you have any idea how fast you were going?"
(if you answer yes or no you will get in trouble)
(if you say no then the cop will tell you how fast you were going and then it won't even be your say against hers because you already admitted to not knowing)
[if you say yes and then sincerely state that you were going 35 in a 35 (and possibly you were) then you are in trouble for lying since obviously you were caught speeding since that is why you were pulled over and that will be used against you (whether or not you were speeding)]
(if you say yes and say you were going 38 in a 35 then guess what... you just admitted to speeding and they got you)
(if you don't say anything then you won't be able to get out of a ticked because the cop will just write you one because you weren't being cooperative)
Well the question is, what do you do? How do you get out of the ticket? Do you have to consign yourself to a fate of getting one? How do so many people end up not getting one? Well this is my response,
"Mighty fine officer, how are you doing today?"
The officer slightly confused states, "You were going quite fast."
(I just hand him the license and registration)
Officer Nelson, "Well thank you and have a nice day!"
(As he writes and hands me the ticket)
"It's been mighty fine exchanging pleasentries with you officer."
"Take care of the wife and kids my friend."
(and then I just drive off) (how did he know I have a wife and kids... I didn't even know that)
I got a ticket but at least we were friendly and isn't the world just a bit better that way?
What are some of your thoughts on what to do?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dr. Wolffe is posting EVERY DAY!

So it seems like I am going to post every day again. I went snow shoeing with my friends Chelsea and Sarah (I met Sarah today so I guess we aren't really good friends yet) and I took some really cool pictures. I would post them if I knew how to transfer them from my phone to the computer. Does anyone have any suggestions? I guess I have been thinking about my life lately and what is important. Thus I guess I have turned to my religion since that is the end game for me. I have seen too much and done too much to deny what I know about God. I guess I am feeling it is time for me to try harder to do what I know is good. Maybe that means that I will treat all yall better or at least think more about others than I think about myself. My brother Nick is getting the priesthood tomorrow and I have been thinking a lot about that. I have been thinking about the things that I wish I had known at his age and what I wish I would have been able to do with that knowledge. I think that means I am going to have to shape up myself and treat my brother like he should be and have more patience with him and try to treat him like he is as important as he is to me and how much potential he really has in life. My mom and I (and even my brother when he was paying attention) were having a long conversation about life and how to prepare for the future. How easy it is to change and leave the past for the future. We of course talked about relationships and how to treat people well. I think my parents have taught me a lot about how to deal with people and how to treat them. Theories are so much easier to formulate than it is to act on them. Looks like I am going to start now or have to wait until I come to this conclusion again which might take months. Lets see how it goes.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Wingsuits and Basejumping


Do you ever have a dream that you are flying? I don't really but I would like to. As many of you may know I am not afraid of heights at all but this video looks scary to me. I want to do it though. I just can't help but think what an amazing and free feeling it must be to fly through the air and how fun it would be to get that close to the cliffs and streets and people as you fly by. It doesn't seem very expensive either, all you need is a wingsuit. Gosh I want to go to Europe... I am ready to go do something amazing. Does anyone want to come with me?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to EVERYONE!
So I will be surprised if anyone actually reads this anywhere near the time of this posting because I haven’t posted anything in a while. Today though is a day of miracles because I have enough material from the thoughts I have gathered today for quite a few postings… all of which will be posted in the next couple of days (I hope). SO, on to the good stuff. I have two postings today, of which I will separate for the lazy readers that only want to read one at a time, or to make you feel like you are accomplishing a lot by reading two in one day. One posting will be true to the spirit of Christmas and be about Jesus Christ and the other will be about presents and such. This one is the latter and will be followed by the former (I like doing that for some reason so I will not fix that to improve my organization) (Also I am talking about order on my page and not chronological order which will be the opposite). Ok, so I woke up this morning to Hershey our dog jumping up on my bed and licking my face. Usually I just push the dog off the bed and try to keep it from jumping back up so I can go back to sleep but since it is Christmas I decided to wake up. I tried to hold on to Hershey and pet her but all she did was sneeze twice in my face and then she ran up the stairs. So for Christmas I got some pots and pans, a toaster oven, a burger cooker and some music and stuff. I also got this long tube wrapped in gold. When I opened it I found out that it was a paper towel roll without the paper towels on it. I tried to look inside it but I couldn’t see anything so I lifted it up and peered into it from under the opening. Something started to slide out so I quickly got out of the way and three knives fell out, barely missing my face, and stuck into the present that I had on my lap. Thank goodness for quick reflexes and a toaster oven on my lap or I would have either had a good reason to be called scarface or been castrated. Neither of those sounded like a good Christmas present. So after unwrapping all of these presents my parents observed that these all sounded like wedding presents. They were feeling pretty good about not having to get me all of that stuff when I get married sometime in the next decade (hopefully). So as we were all joking about this odd compilation of gifts I opened my last present, which turned out to be two tickets for the Phantom of the Opera in Las Vegas… for Valen’s tine day. At this discovery I burst into laughter because that topped the cake on presents regarding my personal relationships. So now I need to find someone to take to the Phantom… I am not making invitations yet since it is on February 14th I have a bit of time. Today we also watched a movie called “Cassandra’s Dream” which was probably the most depressing movie that I have watched in a long time. It was pretty much a mix between “Crime and Punishment” and “The Godfather.” If you have watched this movie we should talk about it, I would find a discussion really interesting. Speaking about movies, I just added a movie to the top of my list; “ELF” with Will Ferrell is now one of my favorites. I have seen it about 5 times before but after watching it again and it still being hilarious, I have decided to make it my only comedy on the top 10. Speaking about last night (which is when we saw elf) my father and I were listening to NPR and they were talking about contradictions in the Bible regarding the birth of Jesus so like usual in my house we decided to read both on Christmas Eve and debate it. I really can’t find anything that is contrary, let alone contradictory. The argument was mainly based on Herod the Great which lasted for quite some time. I love my family always conducting things in a way that would appall most of our neighbors if they were to come and discuss things such as religion or politics or philosophy at my house. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thoughts on Christmas while walking

Ok, so I went for a walk today and this is the first of many breakthroughs that I believe I found (jeepers I like to go for walks). Ok, also sorry for the religious content… this is my blog and so you are going to have to suffer through anything that I believe is important whether you think so or not. Nevertheless please read this. Ok, so I was going through some of the regular feelings that I have the first week or so of spending time at my parents house… loneliness, feelings of inadequacy, frustration, a lack of independence, being trapped and that I don’t have anyone that truly understands me (you know, the standard stuff). I am going to talk about the last one. Sometimes it hits me really hard that the people that I would hope understand me the most, in fact seem to not understand what I am doing or thinking at all. I have some friends that I feel embody parts of me, which is why I feel a lot of people are attracted to those that they choose to befriend. You must be able to have something that you share with someone that is a part of you to feel that energetic connection. That being said, even though we have similar traits or characteristic or personality traits, etc… we are all different people so we differ on many other points and have completely different lives, thoughts, beliefs and attitudes outside of each other’s influence. So I was thinking about not having anyone that I feel completely understands me and I decided to ask myself why I have this need and by having this person that understands me, what part of me would that fulfill? I came to the conclusion that I have this need for five reasons.

  1. The belief (however inaccurate) that no one can truly love that which they don’t fully understand.
  2. The want to be loved
  3. However bad this sounds, (and I believe most people have this want whether they admit it or not) the desire for justification for the things I do.
  4. Forgiveness for all of the errors I commit and stupid things I do to my friends, loved ones, acquaintances and probably even people I don’t know.
  5. I want someone I can play off of, to help me expand myself, to fully flesh out my crazy ideas, to help me grow, and that together we can build energy and excitement for life.

Ok so due to these five things I came to another conclusion. I think that is too hefty of a criterion to be embodied by one person. In fact, some of it may be done by one person but not all of it, especially since they involve getting into my consciousness. So what I realized is that I am looking for a perfect person for me to spend time with. I guess that means that I am subconsciously trying to replace Jesus Christ in my life. Jesus is the embodiment of all five criterions. Jesus Christ didn’t just die for me but he transcended space and time to feel all things, experience all things and suffer all things. He is the only one that personally knows me and knows exactly what I go through and who I truly am. Even better so than I do. I cannot replace Him for he is the only one that can fulfill all criterions. I believe that my feelings are natural and that maybe God has given us these feelings so that we will turn to him. Of course you could give the counterexample of saying that this is part of the reason that man created the concept of a Messiah but on this Christmas season I will state that I know that Jesus Christ does live and that He is in fact the only one that will ever truly understand any of us and for that He is the embodiment of love. Merry Christmas! (I don’t feel like editing this tonight but I will later, please comment and we will have a conversation about this if you are up for it) Good night!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Web - 2.0 What does it really mean?

So, I guess it takes a class assignment to make me write another blog, please watch this video!

Wasn't that GREAT? Now we all know more about the interwebs. Now we aren't just being fed junk by professionals, we are fed junk by other people who don't know what they are doing. I really like this though, it lets me participate. All of our social groups can become interent groups as well and we can connect with so many different people and understand so many different points of view. This is what interests me the most. No longer are we needing to be controlled by our own culture. We can go out and find the truth and find out what others have already figured out. Lets go out my freinds and change the world, one internet site at a time!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day

Veterans Day.  

I am sitting here on my computer without a worry in the world.  Many men and women have fought for my rights and for my way of life.  What have I done for them?  I am not quite sure but they have given everything up for me, even their lives when necessary.  How many people have died?  How many families have been broken up?  How many wives weep?  How many children grow up to have known nothing about their father but that he was a hero?  How many men wait anxiously for their wives to come back only to find out that they never will?  When is it my turn to fulfill my duty to them?  When will I pay them back?  What am I doing now?  These brave soldiers that fight and die for us not only deserve our respect but also a strong commitment to our country.  We just had an election, who voted?  Were there people today in a commemoration ceremony who don't care enough about their country to do the simplest of tasks?  That is why I spend so much time involved in politics.  I am not brave, I am not strong, I am not skilled but I love this country and I care a great deal about the direction in which it goes.  I put forth the only thing that I know how, that is my time and energy to put this country on the path that I feel is best for it.  That is why I spend so much time thinking about the issues, that is why even though the election is over I will still care and continue to watch C-Span and see where we are going.  I encourage all people to do the same.  Do what you can to serve and put forth as much as you can to benefit those around you in society.  We are together as a nation, lets go forth in unity and propose those things that do not just benefit us individually but benefit us as a whole.  We are together, if some will die for us as a whole, we should act as one.  I am not saying that we all must agree, just that we should all care and be balanced in how we think and conduct ourselves, always thinking about the interests of all people.
World War One was, "The War to End All Wars."  The casualties of that war were upwards of 40 million people.  Many of those, especially those of the United States were sent into that conflict to create peace once and for all.  Since then we have had many bloody and long battles that have cost our country and the world millions of the best of our citizens.  May we work every day to make sure their sacrifices were not in vain.  
Even if you have already, please take this moment to contemplate both the value of peace and of those soldiers, both fallen and returned to us.  May God bless this country.  May God bless this world.  Let's go to work and do our part to change the lives of all people, for the better.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Update concerning your 'mate

Ok, so this is pretty much just an update on what's up and I might mention some thing that I am thinking but I will probably save most of that for tomorrow since I am planning on sleeping sometime tonight.  Ok, today I debated and that is pretty much all I did because the rest of the day was preparing for the debate.  Yesterday... was a blur.  I in fact don't even remember what happened.  Oh yeah, one of my friends might have a tumor, we find out tomorrow.  She is Dory's (my roommate) girlfriend who I am quite fond of and I hope everything goes well.  I met her parents because they came down and they were fun to meet.  Yeah, so I spent much of the evening with them and trying to entertain everyone, I think we also played Mario Cart.  Sunday was cool.  Saturday I went to Mesquite and campaigned again for Barack Obama.  The guy that I was paired up with was an old guy that had been working for Barack for months now, almost every day.  He wanted to just drive and let me do the knocking and talking.  One guy said, "I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR A COMMUNIST."  I don't see what is wrong with communists but eh whatever.  Especially since Barack isn't a communist.  I did talk with my friend Amber about communism and pretty much won the argument that she didn't participate in much.  I got Paper Towns which is John Greens book and was pretty much awesome.  That is pretty much it.  I have been busy and the rest hasn't been very interesting (I know that wasn't either but you must suffer to be a friend of mine).  Ok, I will talk about Iraq now.  So at the Debate I stated and defended Barack Obama's views on foreign affairs.  First was the war on terror.  If another person tells me that we went to Iraq to combat terrorism I will do serious injury to that person which will most likely involve Q-tips.  The only good explanation that I can find for going into Iraq is this.  1) We wanted to gain more influence in the Middle East. 2) We want to spread democracy throughout the world by any means necessary (see Neo-cons).  3)We don't like ourselves and want to create as much chaos and pain as possible for ourselves.  4)George Bush has a banana stuck so far up his nose that it is affecting his brain capacity.  5) Trees gain energy by converting sunlight into sugars through chlorophyl.  6) Walt Disney is cryogenically frozen (true).  7) Saddam Hussein lost Iraq in a Texas hold'em tournament between him and Dick Cheney,  8)Iraq seemed like easy pickings and we had a fool proof plan to go in, do a regime change and go out without any forseeable complications. 9)We as Americans are arrogant and utterly misunderstand other cultures, especially the Middle East 10) Calvin, Hobbes and Garfield had an all out battle and Hobbes obviously won by a wide margin but then turned his back on Calvin and was kicked in the head.  Well does anyone have a better answer for me on why we entered Iraq?  I think I had some real answers in there somewhere (Hint: if you say it was for WMD's, you are an idiot) (Hint: If you say it was for oil you are by far oversimplifying it because that definitely wasn't the main reason) (Hint: If you have read the Peloponnesian War you would know that by extending your influence into regions that are far away and hard to control you will stretch your resources and be taken over by other powers in the world) (Hint: It would take a whole lot of oil to make the billions of dollars we have spent there worth it) (Hint: Osama Bin Ladin had a hit list with Saddams name on it and Iran hated him and hates Osama, wouldn't it be much easier if we let the Iranians do our dirty work?) (Hint: If you say Iran is a major threat to the United States, you are are so dumb that you probably would look up and drown when it rains.) (Hint: If you say that Saddam posed any threat whatsoever to the United States or Israel you probably are the type of person that eats cow manure for breakfast)  I had some others but I am too tired to remember them.  Any questions or comments?  Please put them in.  I know I have left some important info out.   

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tonight I must sleep

So, I think I am currently proving that I am dedicated to this blog because I am currently writing it even though I really need to get to bed and I have better things to do.  I guess this is a priority.  I slept in today, which means I woke up at like 8:00a.m.  I need to wake up tomorrow at about 6:00a.m. like I usually do though.  I was going to walk to school but I didn't because I was running late.  The internet distracted me because the news is always really interesting.  I was looking at the gaffes that both presidential tickets have been making and it turns out that Time is either biased or Barack Obama hasn't had very many gaffes.  They had a lot for Joe Biden and Sara Palin and even some for John McCain but Obama came out virtually unscathed.  I have to agree though, he hasn't had too many gaffes this fall.  I guess he learned his lesson from the primary season.  So, the event for today was that I went to the play gaslight which was incredibly creepy.  It is a mystery that doesn't follow most mystery patterns and so I enjoyed it a lot.  That and because it was about people being driven mad which I feel as though I understand completely.  I am getting nervous for a debate that I have on tuesday where I will debate the republicans at SUU on foreign policy.  I know foreign policy inside and out but I just don't like going in on something where I don't know how well the others will do.  I am mostly afraid that I will be coming out of it looking like the fool that I believe that I am not.  Maybe I am wrong.  Then again, most people don't seem to think that they are fools.  Does anyone have any suggestions for the debate (so far I only have like 2 and soon to be at least three subscribers to this blog so I am talking directly to you if you are reading this).  So what do you think that is needed to know something?  If you think that it is justified true belief... you are wrong.  Sorry, thanks for playing.  By the way, if you answer this question you will quite possibly become immortalized in the annals of Epistemology.  And boy would you feel special.  Just imagine the rainbows and ponies that would appear to celebrate the grand occasion.  Maybe I will answer that question.... once I figure it out.  A friend of mine named Mandy (most of my readers know this lady, for she is your roommate) joined up with ChaCha today.  I might do that too because I think I would do a good job at it and would find it interesting.  I would hope that by answering questions all day that I would be able to learn a lot of random information and I would be allowed to be creative at my responses.  So I was asked the question today which goes like this, "If you saw me being escorted into a police car what crime would you think that I committed?"  I now ask you to answer this question about me and then write the answer in the comments.  I will then argue against your point and belittle your ideas about my criminal ways.  So, I think I am going to bed now.... until tomorrow.  Adieu!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Taking a short break to do something that I have wanted to do for some time

Wow!  That was a really long title.  I would say I will work on stuff like that but I will most likely do it again and I refuse to change the title as it is now.  So, I was up until 3:00a.m. last night doing a paper on G.E. Moore's proofs and arguments against Cartesian Skepticism.  I know!  You are thinking about how much you want to leave this blog at this very moment and check out these great arguments (or to escape the insanity of philosophical discussions).  Pretty much this is the low down on G.E. Moore [because you are so interested (but seriously, it is really interesting to me)], Descartes wanted to prove to us that nothing is certain because you can doubt the existence of everything, including the external world.  Part of his main argument for this is the belief that it is logically possible that an evil deceiver is out there and makes us confused as to what is true and the second part is that your whole life could just be a dream, or at least your current situation.  Moore tried to prove that this is ridiculous by showing that you have hands by pointing to one and saying here is a hand, then while pointing to the other saying here is a hand and then your conclusion is that there are two hands.  HA hands exist so external objects exist.  If you want to know more you should look up Moore.  Sorry about that... that wasn't even a sufficient explanation so I am not sure it did any good to mention it.  Also, events of today.  I went to New Castle to give some Obama signs to a man out there and while I was waiting for him in the only gas station parking lot in town a man came up to me and said, "You can't put any signs up here."  The weird part was that all of my signs were still in my car, I don't believe that I looked like I was about to put signs up.  I have come to the conclusion that my decision to become a Democrat in Southern Utah is pretty much putting my life on the line for my principles.  The main point of this blog for today was my belief in political activism but I think I will save that for tomorrow since this is already very long and I am already very tired.  By the way, three hours of sleep does not result in a sufficient nights rest.  Also I didn't eat for most of the day which was a bad idea.  Good Night!
Dr. Wolffe