Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

July 4th 1776 really was not the USA's first day of being Independent or as some would classify it "America's birthday." The United States of America was not officially Independent until September 3rd 1783, with a lot of steps that led up to that point. I believe we celebrate our Independence on the 4th because it was our first major step into becoming an independent and free nation. Really this was the day that a handful of aristocratic intellectuals decided to come down from their positions of prestige and power and plunge into the unknown world of rebellion and treason. They decided to put their lives on the line for philosophical beliefs. This was the moment that they decided that their ideas were too great to remain in their minds but it was time to bring them into being. These men sacrificed their security for their values. This is why on this day we do not celebrate the fact that we are not British; we celebrate the sacrifice of those before us who decided that they would rather be tortured and die than be under unlawful subjugation. This is the day that we should all ask ourselves, "Am I willing to sacrifice everything for what is true and what is right?" "Am I willing to do everything necessary for the betterment of society as a whole rather than sit upon my throne of meaningless monetary accumulation?" This is why we celebrate those who fight for our country on the fourth of July. But these men and women have not fought for our independence and freedom in many years, they are now fighting for the liberty and future sovereignty of the oppressed and enslaved of other nations. On this day it is not our only obligation to be grateful to those who have provided us our liberties and independence but we should turn to those who are currently fighting for their own.

Even though there are many people in this world giving their lives for the freedom of their friends and family there is one country in particular I want to draw attention to. The current political situation in Iran is not much different than ours in 1776. In fact the biggest difference is the fact that their need for freedom and a voice is greater than ours was. It is undeniable that their recent election was fraudulent and that their government no longer listens to the voice of the people. There have been people who have already given their lives for the hope of future independence from tyranny. People are being shot in the streets, terrorized in their homes and abducted by night. The ability for the citizens to communicate with each other and the world is being systematically shut down. Though the protests are slowing down there are still cries from the rooftops, "Allāhu Akbar." This is their pivotal moment in history when they can secure their independence. This is their time to sacrifice everything for the betterment of society and to have a voice in their country. This is when they must choose to die for their future liberties and freedom. Let us not be selfish in our thoughts of independence but use this day to celebrate the lives of all of those people throughout the world who are giving their lives for freedom. I hope that we can share our thoughts and prayers with those who are now fighting the same battle for their people that our forefathers began for ours on July 4th 1776.