Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

This will be a traditional New Years message, if you aren't acquainted with New Years tradition (like I am) then this may be new for you. 2008 was a long year for me. I had a lot of fun and accomplished a lot (relative only to previous years for me, it's not like I created hover cars and a high capacity battery) but it still feels like an eternity. In fact, it feels like the only real year that I have ever had. It is odd how memory does that to you. I hear that most people make new years resolutions; I have never been much into that but maybe this year will be different. I want this year to be more adventurous, to not waste time but to love life and live it to the fullest. I want to not be afraid. I want to truly accomplish something important. I want to learn as much as possible and to read everything that is assigned to me in my classes and then some. I want to spend more time meditating. I want to spend all of my time to the fullest. I want to see everything that there is to see and feel everything there is to feel. I want to experience a lot of joy and that the amount of sorrow that I feel as well will be deep enough to make the introspective impact needed to build proper character. I know all of this is vague but that seems to be how I operate. If I create enough vagaries then the end game becomes clear and I bring out enough passion to produce that end game. Maybe what I will do is spend a couple of minutes every morning thinking about what I want to accomplish and and the day with evaluating, of course writing every bit down. Maybe I will even report on this blog at the end of the day. It is time stop wasting it and start living it. Good night!