Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Update concerning your 'mate
Ok, so this is pretty much just an update on what's up and I might mention some thing that I am thinking but I will probably save most of that for tomorrow since I am planning on sleeping sometime tonight. Ok, today I debated and that is pretty much all I did because the rest of the day was preparing for the debate. Yesterday... was a blur. I in fact don't even remember what happened. Oh yeah, one of my friends might have a tumor, we find out tomorrow. She is Dory's (my roommate) girlfriend who I am quite fond of and I hope everything goes well. I met her parents because they came down and they were fun to meet. Yeah, so I spent much of the evening with them and trying to entertain everyone, I think we also played Mario Cart. Sunday was cool. Saturday I went to Mesquite and campaigned again for Barack Obama. The guy that I was paired up with was an old guy that had been working for Barack for months now, almost every day. He wanted to just drive and let me do the knocking and talking. One guy said, "I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR A COMMUNIST." I don't see what is wrong with communists but eh whatever. Especially since Barack isn't a communist. I did talk with my friend Amber about communism and pretty much won the argument that she didn't participate in much. I got Paper Towns which is John Greens book and was pretty much awesome. That is pretty much it. I have been busy and the rest hasn't been very interesting (I know that wasn't either but you must suffer to be a friend of mine). Ok, I will talk about Iraq now. So at the Debate I stated and defended Barack Obama's views on foreign affairs. First was the war on terror. If another person tells me that we went to Iraq to combat terrorism I will do serious injury to that person which will most likely involve Q-tips. The only good explanation that I can find for going into Iraq is this. 1) We wanted to gain more influence in the Middle East. 2) We want to spread democracy throughout the world by any means necessary (see Neo-cons). 3)We don't like ourselves and want to create as much chaos and pain as possible for ourselves. 4)George Bush has a banana stuck so far up his nose that it is affecting his brain capacity. 5) Trees gain energy by converting sunlight into sugars through chlorophyl. 6) Walt Disney is cryogenically frozen (true). 7) Saddam Hussein lost Iraq in a Texas hold'em tournament between him and Dick Cheney, 8)Iraq seemed like easy pickings and we had a fool proof plan to go in, do a regime change and go out without any forseeable complications. 9)We as Americans are arrogant and utterly misunderstand other cultures, especially the Middle East 10) Calvin, Hobbes and Garfield had an all out battle and Hobbes obviously won by a wide margin but then turned his back on Calvin and was kicked in the head. Well does anyone have a better answer for me on why we entered Iraq? I think I had some real answers in there somewhere (Hint: if you say it was for WMD's, you are an idiot) (Hint: If you say it was for oil you are by far oversimplifying it because that definitely wasn't the main reason) (Hint: If you have read the Peloponnesian War you would know that by extending your influence into regions that are far away and hard to control you will stretch your resources and be taken over by other powers in the world) (Hint: It would take a whole lot of oil to make the billions of dollars we have spent there worth it) (Hint: Osama Bin Ladin had a hit list with Saddams name on it and Iran hated him and hates Osama, wouldn't it be much easier if we let the Iranians do our dirty work?) (Hint: If you say Iran is a major threat to the United States, you are are so dumb that you probably would look up and drown when it rains.) (Hint: If you say that Saddam posed any threat whatsoever to the United States or Israel you probably are the type of person that eats cow manure for breakfast) I had some others but I am too tired to remember them. Any questions or comments? Please put them in. I know I have left some important info out.
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