Thursday, November 26, 2009


I'm thankful to have this time of year. I need a day set apart to think about the people important to me and the things for which I am grateful. Thanksgiving gives me that time of reflection for introspection and to see if I need to shift focus. I don't consider myself to be a very thankful person, sometimes it is just hard to feel gratitude. Part of my problem is that I am fairly anti-materialistic so the things I have aren't too important to me. Really what I am thankful for this year, even though it is difficult for me to express, are the people in my life. In the next week or so [because I missed some (a lot) of people today] I am going to make a greater effort to express my thanks to those around me. I lose track of and don't keep in touch with a lot of people that I consider to be my friends. I'm sorry about that, it's really something I need to work on. Maybe I'll use this time to get back in touch. Thanks for being there for me, I hope I can repay you in kind (that's right, get ready for goods, commodities or services rather than money. You should expect a cow.). Also, I hope your thanksgiving has been a wonderful one. Thank you.

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