Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lucky Laundry

Today was a lucky laundry day. It was particularly lucky because a good person encountered my clothes in the dryer and decided to fold them up and put them in my basket. In fact, he or she did a better job than I would have. Of course my part in the story is that I rudely left my laundry in the dryer for a good 3 or 4 hours more than necessary. I am thankful for the good people that I live by for not stealing my clothes, dumping them on the floor, throwing them outside or doing any of the nasty things that would be expected in this day and age.

Though the laundry story had the most impact on my view of my neighbors today it isn't the only nice thing that they did for me. Last night Alex and I ate dinner and stayed up talking and listening to music pretty late into the night. I almost never hear my neighbor make even the slightest sound so I usually don't worry about him hearing me. I guess I should change that policy because near the end of our evening we started hearing some knocking on the wall every time I would say something (I guess I talk loud). We decided that we were keeping my neighbor up so we turned the music off and finished our conversation in whispers. This morning (it was about noon but for some of us it was still morning) my neighbor came over to give me a note, which I never received because I answered the door and we just spoke face to face. What he said to me was that he was sorry that he was knocking on the wall but it is just a reflex when something wakes him up. He pretty much apologized to me and any time I told him that I was sorry and will try not to do it again he just would become more conciliatory. I really like my neighbor, he seems like a good fellow. I am really glad to have finally met him and that he is such a nice man. I am grateful for the awesome people in my apartment complex and hope that they are having a great night tonight.

I find it odd that sometimes I don't come out as a very likable character in my stories, especially next to the other people. It's kind of like the T.V. show "The Wonder Years" where Kevin (the protagonist) is sometimes a jerk but you like him anyway. What I love about that show is that everyone is that way in real life, we are all jerks sometimes but we just press forward, learn and try better next time. Just like Kevin, I am a flawed hero in the epic which is my life.

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