Saturday, May 23, 2009

Two blogs, one day?

So I don't know why I haven't blogged in a while and then I decided to do two in one day. You're Welcome! It is just one benefit you receive from being my friend (if you aren't my friend and you are reading my blog, WOW WELCOME I AM SURPRISED!!! You are probably the first not yet friend to touch this blog!). So, I found this band a couple of days called Owl City. I think they are cool and you should check them out! Things are going very well for me. I am getting some work, I am getting lazier and I am taking a break. I can feel that the stress is leaving so I am recovering from a year at school. I have been crazy busy still though. Well, I guess until today when I decided to slow things down. Most people don't know this about me because I spend so much time at the library or in various apartments but I LOVE THE OUTDOORS!!!!! In fact, I am going to go run around outside screaming. I'll be right back!!!! ... ... ... !!! Wow that felt good!!! It probably wasn't a good idea though since I live in a retirement community and I got yelled at by old people. Welcome life! Let's have a ball!!!!! Maybe I will try to surprise all yall sometime. Not on the blog though, in your closets! Watch out!! I'll be there. So, really also I will post some of my papers soon and I would like feedback. They are long and not well revised but I hope they are insightful. Please comment on those even if you don't have anything else to say but that you've read them and they were terribly boring. Hopefully our future together will be amazing! Let's make it so.


  1. SO - out of curiousity... just cause I was really curious, especially with the N.K nuclear bomb testing thing... and since your familiar with politics, who are US allies?? close allies, friendly allies, nuetral, or anti-US countries type of thing...

  2. So what happened with the rocket test launch with North Korea is they tested a long range missile system that was pretty much a failure and fell into the ocean far before it reached its target. It wasn't as nuclear test because they disabled their nuclear research. We got mad at them because we tried very hard to get them to not do the test, mainly because it flew over Japan. North Korea did decide to start back their nuclear program after the test launch though because they are mad at us for threatening and sanctioning them. As far as U.S. allies go we have a lot. Our staunchest allies are Australia, the UK and Canada with most of the western European countries close behind (especially France). All members of NATO are our allies, we have some friendly countries in Latin America (none that would be considered really good allies though, we've screwed Latin America up pretty good). We also are good friends with Japan, India, Pakistan, and a whole bunch of other countries. Those are mainly alliances based on Economics and interest though. We have a lot of friends, we also have a lot of enemies and most importantly many of our friends don't like us very much. Even allies that we have sometimes don't like us. Would you like a more formal listing? I could do that but it would take me about a half hour. Just let me know. Ah and Anti-US countries would include Venezuela, Iran, Palestine (not a country), Sudan doesn't like us, North Korea, we have an odd relationship with both Russia and China. Yeah, I could do a formal list of those too if you want me to.

  3. My parents live in a retirement community. Everybody goes to sleep at like 7:00pm. I hope you like owl city!
