Saturday, January 30, 2010

Creepy Laundry

Remember that post I did where some nice person folded my laundry and put it neatly on the table because I was rudely taking up a dryer for an entire day? If so, your name is probably Alex. Anyway, all of the dryers were taken up today while I was doing laundry so I decided to be a nice neighbor and pay it forward. I just remembered how great I felt about the world after the gesture and I hoped to help someone else feel the same way. So I took a person's laundry out and put it on the table and loaded my laundry into the dryer. Then I started to fold the other person's laundry, it just consisted of some pants and shirts and stuff but no underwear or anything that might make it awkward. I only had a couple of more shirts to fold when a couple came in to take their laundry out of the dryers. To tell you the truth I'm not sure if the laundry I was folding was there's but they didn't say anything to me about it. I finished up folding as soon as possible and then got out of there without making too much eye contact. It was awkward because even if it wasn't their laundry I just abandoned the clothes I was folding on the table so I'm sure they became really confused. Can you imagine if it was their laundry? That would be really creepy. It seems like a nice gesture when someone folds my laundry while I am not around just to get it out of the way and to be kind but it seems really awkward to catch the person in the middle of folding my laundry. That seems to be a social situation that I haven't prepared for. Either way, I felt really uncomfortable when the couple came in and caught me folding laundry. Why does everything I do need just a little bit of awkwardness mixed in? This is why I don't often do nice things for people.

Also, I saw this sign at the laundromat . Of course it didn't work, it was Christmas day! I was going to try to see if I could get the dryer to work now that it is a month after Christmas. What kind of jerk makes a machine work on Christmas day? In all seriousness though, I feel really bad for whoever didn't have anything better to do on Christmas than laundry. At least that means the person probably had a day off from work.

Well, I need to be off to check my laundry, it's probably been done for a half hour now. Hopefully I don't run into someone who is folding my laundry. That would be awkward.


  1. The last captcha code I had on your blog was "comment st" Comment street! It totally works

  2. Dr. Wolffe. I understand your frustration in doing things that are good for other people. I suggest you buy a machine gun?
