Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hopefully Gerald Sherratt has a sense of humor

I love how sometimes there are things that just end up working out as hilarious as possible. I made these fliers last night and they were proof-read by a whole bunch of people prior to being printed. Then I spent some time today distributing the fliers. While I was in class I noticed a typo that was (and still is) embarrassing. Read over it and see if you can find the typo then tell me whether or not you can think of a word that I could have misspelled that would have come off funnier. I'm glad that I at least got to chuckle while I went out to go retrieve the fliers. This sums up my modus operandi: Always make sure that things end up as awkward as possible but still come off as likable. Now I am going to stop wasting time and actually go replace these fliers. Hopefully the fixed ones are a little more ridiculous than those with typos, I replaced his picture with one of a giraffe. I think I am just testing my boss to see how weird I can make things and still get to come in the next day.


    I can hardly contain my laughter. Best. Typo. Ever.

    You didn't replace the picture with giraffes that love giraffes, did you?

  2. no you did NOT do that!!!!!! That's brilliant!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog!
